Wills & Estates Blog


Physician working to boost POA awareness

A power of attorney may be the most valuable legal instrument you’ve never heard of, but a New Brunswick family doctor is hoping to change that.   Under provincial legislation, attorneys for property are granted authority over the grantor’s property, including their finances and bank accounts. Meanwhile, attorneys for personal care take

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Biological son loses out on inheritance as court rectifies will

When it comes to your will, clarity is key for those with complex family arrangements.  Canadian society has moved well beyond the “nuclear family” ideal. Few people would bat an eyelid these days at loving family units that include adopted or step-siblings, regardless of the gender, married status or number of parents

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Succession planning lacking among Ontario’s small businesses

Succession planning for small business owners is not a job that can be rushed, but a new survey suggests that many Ontario employers need to get a move on.   According to a report by the Northern Policy Institute in partnership with the Ontario Chamber of Commerce and Société Économique de l’Ontario,

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Punitive damages awarded against rogue executor

Drafting a will is not just about who gets what.  One critical decision often overlooked by testators is the appointment of an executor – also known as the estate trustee – the person responsible for administering the estate when the time comes.   The role of executor is not an easy one, typically

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