Real Estate Law Blog


Lawyer review critical for newbuild condos deals

Take advantage of the cooling off period to avoid getting burned on a newbuild condo deal. Brand new condo purchases hold a unique status in Ontario’s real estate world, carrying with them a slew of extra steps and adjustments that can easily catch out ordinary consumers.   As a result, provincial

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Estate planning: Don’t wait until it’s too late

There’s no better time than the present to get your estate in order. I’ve heard every excuse in the book from procrastinators who say they’re too young, too old, too poor or too scared to think about getting a will or a power of attorney in place. But the truth

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Eliminate joint-account confusion to avoid estate litigation

Parents could be sowing the seeds of a future estate battle when they set up a joint bank account with a child. There are good estate planning reasons for owning property jointly with a beneficiary – it can be an effective way to transfer funds while avoiding the 1.5 per-cent probate tax otherwise payable on assets in a person’s estate.

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Take care when selecting an executor

Administering an estate is no cakewalk, so make sure your choice for executor knows what they’re getting themselves into ahead of time.  There is no doubt that the responsibility associated with the position of estate trustee calls for the appointment of someone you know well and trust implicitly.  But there’s

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Cut paperwork before making virtual wills permanent

Virtual witnessing of wills has been a great innovation for the pandemic, but there is still room for improvement before making it permanent. Since April, emergency regulations prompted by the COVID crisis have allowed testators to have their wills witnessed remotely, without the need to meet in person with their

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Pets in Will

Putting your pet in your will

Providing for a little kitty to go with your pet can help ensure your wishes are met when it comes to their care after your passing. Many families regard their pets as full members, and a growing number of wills reflect that fact. A report by the Globe and Mail

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