The need for standardization, regulation of home inspectors
A person who purchases a used home in Ontario accepts it as is without any warranty as to its condition or fitness as a home. There are two exceptions to…
A person who purchases a used home in Ontario accepts it as is without any warranty as to its condition or fitness as a home. There are two exceptions to…
A subcontractor’s move to file a lien on a construction site following a dispute over payment is a legal option in this type of situation, Toronto real estate lawyer Lisa…
Generally speaking, the role of a solicitor retained by a purchaser of a residential home is to ensure that the client receives a good and marketable title to the real…
A Court of Appeal decision to reinstate a man's allegedly racist will restores certainty to the field of estate planning, Toronto wills and estates lawyer Lisa Laredo tells Jamaican-born…
When it comes to avoiding real estate fraud, it is important for third-party lenders to make the necessary inquiries to determine that there are no prior undisclosed mortgages, Toronto real…
Toronto real estate lawyer Lisa Laredo tells Law Times says the Ontario government’s announcement that it will conduct a review of Tarion Warranty Corp. and the Ontario New Home Warranties…
While the Tarion Warranty Corporation requires that a delayed occupancy warranty be attached to every agreement of purchase and sale of a newly constructed dwelling, the nature and extent of…
New lawyers building up credibility with clients should not be afraid to say three words rarely uttered in the profession — “I don’t know,” Toronto real estate lawyer Lisa Laredotells…
Toronto real estate lawyer Lisa Laredo discusses how lawyers can gain credibility and maintain it.
It’s cottage season and the onset of warm weather is an inspiration to start thinking seriously about investing in that summer retreat you’ve always dreamed of owning. A note of…